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Workplace Justice

Feb 15, 2022

Despite the millions of dollars spent by companies on DEI training, initiatives, and programs, we see very, very little progress. 

In today’s podcast, Professor Williams explains to us why this is the case and why the systems in place in businesses and corporations play a major role in creating a safe and inclusive workplace.

Professor Joan C Williams is a Sullivan Professor of Law, Hastings Foundation Chair, and Founding Director of the Center for WorkLife Law at the University of California, Hastings College of the Law. 

 She’s widely known for Bias Interrupters, an evidence-based metrics-driven approach to eradicating implicit bias in the workplace. Her most recently released book, Bias Interrupted: Creating Inclusion For Real and For Good - provides a clear roadmap for workplace leaders, lasting progress in their DEI goals. 

In this episode, Professor Williams talks about:

  • What is Bias Interrupted and what it’s meant to do for the workplace 
  • Implicit biases and how bias interrupted and the interrupters can solve this issue 
  • The reasons why there’s very little progress in DEI efforts in the workplace
  • How implicit biases undermine meritocracy 
  • How gender and racially diverse teams can create positive lasting changes in the workplace and the business
  • The 5 Patterns of Bias
  • How remote work or hybrid work schedules affect DEI goals
  • How caregiver rights started and the status of discrimination against adults with caregiving responsibilities, especially on mothers


If you learned a lot from this episode, just like we did, and you know someone who needs help with their DEI efforts, share this episode with them by sharing a link directly through your podcast app.


Resources and Links Mentioned: 

Connect with Professor Williams, Bias Interrupters and Center for WorkLife Law: 


📣  Join the Workplace Justice Community on Facebook: 


Connect with Atty. Mahir and Nisar Law Group:


Need help? Call 212-600-9534 for a free case evaluation.